Contact Us


Contact PAHCE Liaison - Click on the blue point, on the map, to link to a preferred location which also covers neighboring countries/regions.

(Note: For PAHCE Profiles of various countries visit - Country Profile)


Contact in Brazil - PAHCE 2011:

Conference 2011 President: Dr. Wagner Coelho A. Pereira
Local organization:
Dr. Bianca Gutfilen,  Dr. Lea Mirian Fonseca, Rodrigo P.B. Costa-Félix D.Sc., Aldo José Fontes Pereira M.Sc. est., Fabiano Peruzzo Schwartz PhD est., Alexandre Ferreli Souza M.Sc., Fernando Cesar Coelli  D.Sc.,  Sergio Augusto Lopes de Souza PhD, Flávia Paiva Proença Lobo Lopes PhD, Cláudia Lopes Rodrigues Chagas M.Sc.

Dr. Wagner Coelho A. Pereira <wcap58[AT]>
(replace [AT] with @ to send your message) (inquiries in English or / o en español/ ou em Português)

General management:
Dr. Enrique Chong, PAHCE  Review Board Chair, Co-Editor 
Dr. Lorenzo Leija Salas, PAHCE  Co-Editor
Dr. Ron Leder, PAHCE Publications and Publicity Chair

Sofia Espinoza, MSc.,
PAHCE  Administrative Coordinator

and other members of the PAHCE Team

Drs. Lorenzo Leija Salas
and Josefina Gutiérrez Martínez
PAHCE 2009 President and Co President/Host

Dr. Carlos Silva Cardenas, MSc.Rocío Callupe Pérez, Dr. Benjamín Castañeda
PAHCE 2010 President and Program Chairs

PAHCE 2006 ; PAHCE 2007 ; PAHCE 2008

PAHCE - General  Mailing Address:       

    11278 Los Alamitos Blvd. #123

     Los Alamitos, California 90720


International contacts (see interactive map above)

PAHCE Liaisons: Andrei Issakov (Europe/Switzerland); Arturo Vera (Mexico); Baset Khalaf (South Africa); Carmen Müller-Karger (South America/Venezuela); Carola Yucra (South America/Bolivia); Christiane Beyer (Europe/Germany); Ernesto Suaste (Mexico); Esther Rodriguez-Villegas (Europe/England); Fabiano Schwartz (South America/Central Brazil); Guillermo Avendaño (South America/Chile); Hana Husain (Middle East/Kuwait); Honren Liao (Asia/Japan); Ibrahim Duhaini (Middle East/Lebanon); Jackrit Suthakorn (Asia/Thailand); Juan Carlos (Central America/El Salvador); Juan Valencia (South America/Colombia); Kátia Neles (South America/Coastal Brazil);  Kim Kyeong (Asia/Korea); Marco A. Reyna (Northern Mexico); Mario Castaneda (Northern California); Miguel Gutierrez (Asia/the Philippines); Monique Frize (Canada); Antonio Ramos (Europe/Spain); Rocio Callupe (South America/Peru); Sabina Figari (South America/ Argentina); Salah Aiesh (Middle East/Jordan); Tobey Clark (Eastern US); Toh Siew-Lok (Asia/Singapore); Tom Judd (Central US); Yousef  Al-Assaf  (Middle  East/UAE); PAHCE Team (Southern California and all other regions) 


Email Address:
(replace [AT] with @ to send your message)
        (646) 514-4569